ADMISSIONS OPEN FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2023 - 24 | Call us: +91 9844793863


Admissions Process
We welcome you and your children with open arms

At SAPS, every child is considered equal and anyone is welcome to join us. That is why we have tried to administer an admissions procedure that is reasonable, impartial and fair-minded so that your child feels encouraged to begin learning with a clean slate.

Take the first step to ensure a bright future for your child

Enquiries for admissions usually come from various sources – website, advertisements, flyers, emails, referrals, walk-in customers, as well as from unit schools.


The Admission Department Staff attends to these enquiries and informs parents to fill up the Registration Forms available on the website or at the Admission Office of the School. The Admission Officer checks all the forms received on a daily basis.
The parent is called to check for availability of the child, and the date for the Admission Interview/ Assessment is fixed.

Fee Structure

Please contact the admission office for the details. NURSERY to GRADE X (CBSE Syllabus) Mode of Payment: Cash / Online Transfer

NOTE : School fee structure is subject to revision annually.